NEW 2023 PracADEMIA Event!

Daily Impact Emergency Management or DIEM, consists of two interlinked parts, an Expert Network and a Primary Research group.  Even though in its current form it might be considered a start-up social enterprise based in the Netherlands, it has a global reach and builds on decades of international research and practical experience of its predecessor organisations, stakeholders and partners.

As a combination between the expert network and the primary research group, DIEM functions as a think tank, training/education group and activist network providing information and access to out-of-network contacts to industry, government, academia, the media, local communities and other interest groups.

In general, DIEM supports initiatives and activities that seek to:

  1. change the traditional pattern of ‘reactiveness’ to one that is more ‘pro-active’;
  2. addressing the two main problems of ‘Fragmentation’ and ‘Lack of Impact’.

As a Network, DIEM sources and selects cross-thinking individuals and organisations for inclusion as Partner, Expert, Young Professional or Subscriber for which it operates an On-line Knowledge Exchange (OKE) service.

As Primary Research group, it offers an On-Demand Research (ODR) service and conducts Solution-finding Sessions that use DIEM’s Focused Feedback Methodology. These are Lectures, Seminars, Masterclasses, Workshops or Symposia that take place in close collaboration with ‘members’ in the DIEM Network.


Expert Network

DIEM is not for everyone. We’re interested in individuals and organisations who are interested in dealing future-oriented, complex issues, can think our-of-the-box, have a willingness to explore new avenues and focus on creating cross-connections.  They’re not afraid, are proactive and have an international orientation – and have (had) practical experience. Finally, they need to have a sense of humour as well…  Participation is only possible by invitation and by referral.  When they fit the profile above, they can, initially for one year, take part as Partner, Expert, Young Professional or as SubscriberWithin the network we engage in a lively and proactive dialogue, exchanging news and information as well as provide access to out-of-network contacts, the so-called Online Knowledge Exchange (OKE) program. We also organize Solution-Finding Sessions in close collaboration with participants in the DIEM Network and respond to external requests in the form of On-Demand Research (ODR) projects.

Primary Research Group

Primary research is different because it doesn’t focus on what is ‘statistically significant’ but on what is ‘functionally relevant’.  DIEM offers, aside from its On-Demand Research projects, a variety of Solution-Finding Sessions that use DIEM’s Focused Feedback Methodology. This methodology creates a sense of co-ownership, not only for the gap-analysis but particularly for the search for solutions. DIEM offers Lectures, Seminars, Masterclasses, Workshops and (online) Symposia that are organised in close collaboration with our Partners, Experts and others in the DIEM Expert Network.  Jointly we determine the issue(s) to be tackled, target audience, location, funding, and desired impact. DIEM also honours external requests to provide these kind of Sessions, such as recently the 11th Brunel International Lectureship of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) on the topic of ‘Resilience’.

Yes, I'm interested...
...in the DIEM ‘Expert Network’.
Yes, I'm interested...
...in ‘Solution-Finding Sessions’.
NPO Radio 2: Crisismanagement and Covid-19
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DIEM and ‘20/20 Vision’ offering scholarships to students and welcoming them to the program as ‘Junior Fellows’…
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From Risk to Resilience…: How do we get there?
March 3rd, 2020

#resilience #trust #emergency #commonsense #callingitasitis

http://www.20outof20.vision https://www.linkedin.com/posts/eelco-h-dykstra-94534a7_resilience-trust-emergency-activity-7191726438515937283-vBkv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

🚨De Nederlandsche Bank heeft berekend dat 95% van de huiseigenaren de #verduurzaming van hun woning kunnen bekostigen met hun #spaargeld en door het afsluiten van een lening. Zo dan!

Ik heb het rapport gelezen blij word ik er niet van. De eerste vraag is in hoeverre een…


#resilience #commonsense #SDG #regeneration #SouthAfrica #fearlessness https://www.linkedin.com/posts/eelco-h-dykstra-94534a7_lord-of-the-rings-return-of-the-king-activity-7188500903224651776-JIVN?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

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